How You Can Afford A Car You Actually Like To Drive

 When looking to buy a new or used vehicle, many things come into play. You want to make sure you get the best deal, and it's not always easy. Frankly, it can be quite frustrating without the right tips and ideas. Make sure you pay attention to the following article, as it will help you through the buying process.

Never go with the set price of a car when you're car shopping. Usually people price things knowing that they'll have to lower it when the buyer gets there. If you are paying with cash, it doesn't hurt to tell them that either. People that see a lot of money are more likely to let it go for less.

Watch out for the up sells in the financing office. When you reach the financing office, you will always be offered an extended warranty, interior protection, gap insurance and other such add ons. Make sure that you understand these well before making a decision to purchase them. Most are not worth the money you will spend, and you're better off saving each month in the event that you need a repair or your interior gets a stain.

Know your limits. Before you start shopping for your next car or truck, decide how much you can afford to pay, and stick to it. Don't forget to include interest in your calculations. You can expect to pay around 20 percent as a down payment as well, so be prepared.

Ask the car dealer to show you a vehicle history report. This can tell you if the vehicle has been in an accident or if it has been recalled. It can also show you what repairs have been done and when they were done so that you know exactly what you are buying.

Research your chosen dealership prior to offering to buy a car. Your negotiation can be maximized by being aware of the dealer's financing options and trade-in practices. Also, reading their customer reviews may help you avoid losing money.

Consider selling your car privately, rather than trading it in for the new car you want. You will almost always get more for your car through a private sale than you would through a trade in. Even if the dealership makes it sound like they are giving you a great trade in value, they will likely raise the price somewhere else to make up for the difference.

Research trade-in prices before turning over your older vehicle. If you are planning on trading in your current vehicle to go towards the purchase price of your new one, be armed with the proper value ahead of time. Checking prices online or using the Kelley Blue Book. Just make sure you are checking the wholesale price, not retail.

Being a car dealer means trying to make quotas. You can use this information to your advantage and shop at the end of the month. Salespeople who have a quota to meet are eager to make another sale. This gives you a bit more leverage in your bargaining.

Ask if you can have the car looked over by your mechanic. The mechanic you're cool with should be fairly trustworthy. Don't use a dealer mechanic. Your mechanic should tell you both whether the car runs well and whether it's priced appropriately.

Keep comfort in mind when purchasing a car. So many people focus on the way the car looks and what features it has rather than paying attention to the comfort. Are the seats comfy? Can the seat be adjusted to fit your body? Take these things into consideration before getting a car.

It is a good idea to do plenty of research on cars before you ever go to a dealership. The more you know about a particular model, the better you can judge whether it is right for you. There are many online resources that let you compare different brands and models.

If you are thinking about buying a car that is still under warranty. You need to make sure that whatever is left of the vehicle warranty is in writing. You don't want to purchase a car only to find out that the warranty has been void, leaving you paying extra for nothing.

When looking to buy a new or used vehicle, make sure that you never elude to the fact of how much money you have on your person. You only want to talk about what you think you should put down in regards to the terms and price of the vehicle being discussed.

If you are considering trading your car in when purchasing a car, you should take your car into a neutral place to get it appraised. You want to be sure that you are getting a fair value for your car when trading it in. Be sure to include an adjustment for what you will be saving regarding taxes.

Avoid the warranty options offered by car dealers on used cars. They are almost always overpriced and usually do not cover the more expensive repairs that you would want to have done Instead, purchase your warranty separately from a trusted warranty company that you find on your own. If you do not know of any, ask a friend or family member for advice.

Even if a car is in your price range, do not forget to consider the gas mileage and annual maintenance fees that will come with your purchase. Many people buy vehicles that they think are affordable, but later they regret it when they see how much they have to pay annually for gas and routine maintenance.

Before you make your final selection of a car, talk to your insurance agent. Some types of vehicles can cause your insurance to go up significantly This increase in monthly insurance premiums might leave less in your budget to afford the car of your dreams. By having a clear understanding of the total cost to own the car, you can make an educated decision.

Now that you have a better idea as to your approach when it comes to buying vehicles, you're more well-equipped as a buyer. Don't let those salesmen push you around all over the sales floor, getting you to do what they want. Instead, take control of the situation and get what you want.

Jupiter's Everlasting Storm

Jupiter is the largest planet in our Sun's family and it is an enormous world; a gas giant that dwells in the outer regions of our Solar System, where the other three immense planets--Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune--twirl majestically around our Star in awe-inspiring splendor. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is the most prominent feature observed on Jupiter's banded surface--it is a gigantic storm about 12,400 miles long and 7,500 miles wide. The enticing mystery is why Jupiter's Great Red Spot did not disappear centuries ago, and this question has baffled scientists for a very long time. In November 2013, a team of researchers announced that this mystery may now be solved, and their finding could help uncover still more clues about the vortices in our own planet's oceans, as well as in the cradles of both baby stars and baby planets.

"Based on current theories, the Great Red Spot should have disappeared after several decades. Instead, it has been there for hundreds of years," noted Dr. Pedram Hassanzadeh in a November 25, 2013 statement to the press. Dr. Hassanzadeh is a geophysical fluid dynamicist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a co-author of the new study.

Jupiter is the fifth planet from our Sun, and it is more than twice as massive as all of the other seven planets inhabiting our Solar System combined! Jupiter's great mass is 318 times that of our own Earth.

This "King of Planets" was named for the "King of the Gods" of ancient Roman mythology (Greek Zeus) who ruled over the colorful, and constantly bickering, gods and goddesses dwelling on Mount Olympos. Jupiter was also the patron of the state of Rome.

The planet itself has been known since prehistoric times; a gleaming little orb of a "wandering star"--the fourth most brilliant object shining in the darkness of the sky after the Sun has set.

Jupiter is as large as Nature will allow a gas giant to be, and still be a planet! It is approximately 90% hydrogen and 10% helium, with trace amounts of water, methane, rocky material, and ammonia. If any more material were added to this giant, gaseous planet, it would be squeezed by the force of gravity, and the entire radius would increase just barely. A star can grow to be larger than Jupiter, but a star harbors an internal source of heat. However, Jupiter would have to grow at least 80 times more massive than it already is to be a star!

Jupiter, and the beautiful ringed planet Saturn, are the only two gas-giant inhabitants of our Sun's family (Uranus and Neptune are ice-giants). They are both enormous spheres, whose hidden cores are encased by very massive gaseous envelopes. Jupiter and Saturn are very different from the four rocky, inner terrestrial planets that orbit our Star-- Mercury, Venus, our Earth, and Mars--and their bizarre attributes and baffling formation history remain subjects of heated debate within the scientific community.

Our Solar System formed about 4.56 billion years ago when a very dense, relatively small blob, embedded within a giant, dark, molecular cloud, composed of gas and dust, collapsed under the weight of its own gravity. As the small, turbulent blob embedded within the dark molecular cloud collapsed to form the central parent Star--our Sun--it also created a remnant disk, termed the protoplanetary accretion disk. This disk, a swirling sea of dust and gas, rotated around our neonatal Sun. The very fine particles of dust, bobbing around in the disk, were bestowed with a natural stickiness--and they readily "glued" themselves to one another creating increasingly larger and larger bodies. Eventually, the eight major planets, dwelling in our Solar System, emerged from this swirling, gas-laden, dusty disk. Indeed, the planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and assorted smaller bodies dancing around in our Solar System, all emerged from this primordial protoplanetary accretion disk that circled around our baby Star.

When Jupiter was born, it twinkled like the star it might have become. The energy emitted by infalling material rendered its interior extremely hot. The larger Jupiter became, the hotter it grew. When the material sipped up from the surrounding turbulent, swirling disk, was at last depleted, Jupiter may have possessed a truly impressive diameter of more than 10 times what it currently has, a central temperature of about 50,000 Kelvin (the Kelvin scale is an absolute scale of temperature, in which zero is equal to -459.4 degrees Fahrenheit), and a glittering, glowing luminosity that was approximately 1% as great as that of our own brilliant Sun today.

If Jupiter had been born many times heavier than it was, it would have gone on to increase in temperature and shrink--until self-sustaining nuclear fusion reactions in its core caused it to furiously ignite. Had this occurred, Jupiter would have been a star. Our Sun, like many of its kind, would have had a binary companion. If this had occurred, our Earth and its seven sister planets probably would not have formed. However, Jupiter failed to become a star. After its initial brilliant birth, it began to cool down.

Within the first 10,000,000 years of its existence, Jupiter continued to shrivel down to its current size, with just a tiny quantity of additional shrinkage occurring during the past few billion years, or so. Jupiter emits a puny.00001 as much radiation as the Sun and, today, its luminosity is only.0000001 that of our Star.

Everlasting Storm!

A vortex is a mass of whirling fluid or air, such as a whirlpool or a whirlwind. Vortices that are similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot can disintegrate for a number of reasons. For example, turbulence and waves whirling around and down into the churning, violent storm can weaken its ferocious rushing winds of energy. Such a storm can also lose energy by radiating its heat away. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is located between two extremely forceful jet streams in its atmosphere that hurl themselves in opposite directions and may slow down its whirling turbulence.

However, there are some astronomers who think that large vortices like the Great Red Spot suck up energy and can "live" for a very long time by devouring smaller vortices. However, "this does not happen often enough to explain the Red Spot's longevity," Dr. Philip Marcus told the press in a November 25, 2013 statement. Dr. Marcus is a fluid dynamicist and planetary scientist at the University of California at Berkeley, and study co-author with Dr. Hassanzadeh.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is far from unique in our Cosmic Wonderland. Vortices, such as those that exist in our own planet's churning oceans and atmosphere, frequently survive considerably longer than prevailing theories can explain.

Dr. Hassanzadeh and Dr. Marcus found that vertical flows may be the answer explaining the mystery of the Great Red Spot's amazingly long life. In order to help them solve this puzzle, the two colleagues developed a high-resolution, 3D computer simulation of large vortices. Such simulations usually only study the whirling horizontal winds, where most of the energy dwells. Even though vortices also possess vertical flows, these usually possess considerably less energy. Therefore, "in the past, most researchers either ignored the vertical flow because they thought it was not important, or they used simpler equations because it was so difficult to model," Dr. Hassanzadeh said in the November 25, 2013

Dr. Hassanzadeh's and Dr. Marcus's model shows that when a whirling storm, such as the Great Red Spot, starts losing energy, vertical flows force hot and cold gases in and out of the vortex--restoring some of its lost energy. Their model also predicts radial flows that sip up fierce winds from the quickly-zipping jet streams surrounding the Great Red Spot toward the center of the storm. This enables the storm to last for a longer time.

Vortices, whether on Jupiter or in Earth's oceans, may dissipate up to 100 times more slowly than scientists previously believed.

"Some vortices in the oceans have been observed to last for several years and are believed to play an important role in the oceanic ecosystem and ocean-atmosphere interaction. Vortices with physics very similar to the Great Red Spot are believed to contribute to star and planet formation processes, which would require them to last for several million years. Both oceanic and astrophysical vortices are subjected to dissipating processes, and the mechanism described here for the longevity of the Great Red Spot presents a very plausible explanation for their longevity as well," Dr. Marcus said in the November 25, 2013

The two scientists, however, note that their model does not entirely explain the mystery of Jupiter's Great Red Spot's great endurance. They suggest that mergers with smaller vortices may help lengthen the gigantic storm's "life", as well. As a result, they have started to modify their computer model in order to test this theory.

The two scientists reported their findings at the November 25, 2013 annual meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Judith E. Braffman-Miller is a writer and astronomer whose articles have been published since 1981 in various journals, newspapers, and magazines Although she has written on a variety of topics, she particularly loves writing about astronomy because it gives her the opportunity to communicate to others the many wonders of her field. Her first book, "Wisps, Ashes, and Smoke," will be published soon.

Smart Link Building

Link building is often the most frustrating and stressing job for individuals and small companies who are unaware of how to do it. This is because bigger and better competitors often beat them at it. Creating a deep link, however, isn't much of a hard task and one can easily direct free traffic to his site.

Here are some strategies towards smart link building.

Link bait

Link bait is the place where a website develops high quality content that would attract other websites as well as individuals who want to establish a link with the company's site. The company has to build highly informative and educative content that internet users would find too good to resist. This would make the website popular and ensure a steady stream of traffic.

Link magnetism

This is the place where the company develops superior or high quality content that addresses the market needs. The company can discuss a particular issue that's pertinent to the market and provide a solution to only those who are linked to the website. This is likely to attract a huge inflow of traffic who would want to be linked to the website so as to get the solution to the problem. This is considered to be a very effective method of ensuring that the company's website would witness visitors. Other sections related to the website like forums, blogs etc. also get good web traffic. As the site would be unique, visitors would be interested to link themselves to you. You can also carry out online discussions in a separate section. Besides, the web page can be linked to press articles, guest blogs, interviews and other interactive sections that are most likely to attract an audience.

Dead link building

This is the place where the company scours for any broken link or missing content from other companies that are related to the content of the website. As often said, quality content is the king and this is the only thing that attracts visitors. The visitors must be able to take back functional information from the website. Else, they won't have any interest to revisit it.

Relationship building

This is often considered to be a guaranteed way of building strong links. The company can establish contacts with other companies that have similar interests. Building a good relation often serves as a mutual benefit. Both websites promote each other's links that results in a growth of the business.
Link building is considered as the trump card for strengthening a company or a product's presence on the web. With the Google algorithm taking strategic turns, it is all the more important to hire a Link Building expert with expertise in key Link Building practices. One very important aspect of natural link building or good link building is the creation of quality content. It is no longer the quantity but quality as well that defines success in the gamut of SEO. This essentially means that generating a superior quality back link from a smart source will gain much more traction than getting numerous low quality links. Link Builders, these days, need to be very careful about the fact that paid links can turn out to be risky at times. The ingenuity of the source is extremely important if a link builder opts to go for paid links. In addition, one also needs to get the do-follow links because that is a hallmark of genuine source.

Link building, over last five years, has evolved quite a bit considering that, the entire mechanism of advertising and marketing has undergone a paradigm shift. The industry experts collaborated and found out news ways of making this marketing strategy better. Broadly speaking, there are 5 major points that govern natural link building. They are:

1. Create lists- Content presented in the form of a bulleted or a numbered list tends to get a lot of attention because it is extremely easy to link them. A single topic may offer a great possibility for number of articles, so lists should be created and maintained for each topic. The easiest way is to create a list of top 10 features and myths.

2. Hire Resources- At times, it helps to hire a PR person who can effectively post promotions and press releases on a regular basis. Press releases capture the attention of the media and can become a profitable business strategy. This can also be achieved by hire link builder with experience in drafting effective yet simple press releases.

3. Write simple but good content- Good content is all about accessibility. This means that the reader should easily be understand the reader. The subject matter can be technical, but still can be presented in a very lucid way. It is crucial to take utmost care to avoid grammar, spelling and punctuation errors along with redundant content.

4. Use PPC as a link-building tool- It is a very relevant tool to buy immediate attention with highlighted space. This increase in traffic automatically increases the possibilities of being linked.

5. Syndicate articles to article and news sites- Article sites such as Ezine, GoArticles, and iSnare are very good platforms that rank highly in terms of quality and have a great potential towards driving traffic to the target website It is important to network with journalists and bloggers for promoting the content over the web. Create surveys and polls linked to a particular article, for they attract tremendous attention.

Apart from the above-mentioned points, there are certain other additional points that support smart linking building. These are:

· Leverage directories, meme trackers, and social bookmarking

· Generate local and business links

· Use free links

· Accept reviews

· Blog frequently

· Build a good CSS design

· Trade links

· Buy and rent links

· Arrange contests

· Hold conferences and social interactions

From the above discussion, it is evident that there are many things that go into link building. All of it can only be implemented by resolving to hire a Linking Building expert with a good work experience.

Accelerate Your Sales With Business Partners

Are you facing any of these major obstacles with your customers where you have the potential to sell your products or services?

You are heavily invested in a sales campaign that has stalled and you don't know why
You acquired a new account and you're unaware of their priorities and challenges
There are no executive relationships to speak of
Your company is considered an unknown entity
Your product provides a partial solution to your customers problem
Your customer has had a bad experience with your company
Without help, even the most experienced and successful sales executives will take a very long time trying to overcome these serious issues. One of the smartest sales techniques you can use to rapidly address these problems is to engage a partner that already works with your customer. The most strategic and lucrative sales I have personally closed, have been with partners that helped me in a variety of very valuable ways. For clarity, the term "partners" refers to other organizations that have an established and mutually beneficial relationship with your company, knowledge of the key products you sell, and where together you provide a stronger solution that's more valuable for your customer than what can be provided individually.

Many sales executives are reluctant to work with partners because they fear it will slow down and complicate their sales campaigns. There was a time where I believed that too and was also afraid to relinquish any control, especially to someone outside of my own company. However, what I discovered is that working with partners accelerates your sales campaigns and helps you to substantially increase your sales. Here's how.

Many businesses rely on third parties for help on critical projects where they lack in-house expertise. When one of your partners provides these crucial services, they can help you out in a big way. The first thing you must do is find out which partners work with your customers. Meet with them to determine the projects they are working on, the relationships they have, and how your products or services can help them be more successful while solving your customers particular problem. Because they already work with your customer on vital initiatives, there's a pretty good chance they've built executive relationships that would likely take you years to develop. They're going to know the key players and decision makers, will be aware of the political climate, and can also be a very credible and unbiased resource to recommend and positively influence the sale to your customer. Once you and your partner determine how your combined solution can help out your customer, you can develop and execute a joint sales strategy.

As you can tell, working with partners that endorse your products is an excellent way to overcome your major obstacles and increase your overall sales performance. Once you leverage the relationships, credibility, and established success of your partners, you will provide better solutions to your customers while accelerating and maximizing your sales.

As you have already built a strong foundation for achieving an excellent work result of your project, you might want to accelerate this process by hiring a highest rated locksmith. You can always search the web for a licensed quality locksmith, or you may ask your friends of family for many suggestions. In order to determine if the price of the service provider is worthwhile, you ought to always verify his/her qualifications and expertise in the industry. The following strategies can help you find the most dependable locksmith.

Some of the busiest times for almost any highest rated locksmith are during the summer. Therefore, you ought to be very particular about who you employee for work during those months. This is because many of them are very busy, and they might not have the opportunity to effectively concentrate on your project to effectively ensure quality work. Question them about the number of projects they are handling so you can have a great understanding about their level of dedication to your project.

Don't always assume that an expensive highest rated locksmith will do better work. Check the material price that was quoted and compare it with what is obtainable on the market. Attempt to see how much their labor costs are as well. If you see that the pricing is reasonable, proceed with the contract signing.

Before you sign a legal contract with a licensed highest rated locksmith, make sure to read all the contents carefully. Take as much time as you should absorb and analyze the legal agreement terms, or else it may be your loss. Before you sign anything, make sure to speak with the quality locksmith about any questions or concerns you might have.

In the process of checking references or recommendations, find out if any problems arose, if the work was completed on schedule, and if they would use their services again. You may want to think about asking for financial references from the highest rated locksmiths suppliers. When you speak to his or her suppliers, it's a good opportunity to ask what the quality of the materials was the local quality locksmith used and if they would recommend him or her.

Signing a legally binding contract with a highest rated locksmith means that you're now in a relationship towards a common goal Always be extra careful and cautious when reading every single part of the contract in detail. If you have arranged a series of payments, it's important that the initial deposit not be larger than 50 percent of the total amounts. Plus, always attempt to have the contract signed at your quality locksmith's workplace to see how their business operates.

The Best Video Game Advice On The Web

Dancer, soldier, personal trainer or Italian plumber, you just never know what you could become once you enter the realm of video games. You can enjoy a world-spanning adventure, perform in front of thousands, or beat up a whole town's worth of thugs, but you have to know what you're doing in order to get the most of these experiences.

Buy your games preowned. Most new video games cost at least $50 these days. It is a waste if you lay down that much cash and don't even enjoy the game. Used game prices are generally about 1/2 to 3/4 of new game prices, so you can get more for your money.

If as a parent you are concerned with video game content, control what downloadable mods are placed in the game. These downloadable mods are normally created by players, not the video game companies, so there is no rating system. What you thought was a relatively un-risky game can turn a lot worse with one of these mods.

Before your child plays a video game, play the game yourself. Don't only use ESRB ratings and the word of others. There may be content in the game that you really don't want to expose your child to, and the only way you'll know is by playing for a little while first.

Get up every fifteen minutes and stretch. You might get cramped if you keep playing in the same position. Your muscles need to be properly stretched to avoid cramping and formation of blood clots. That's a very healthful approach.

Customize your controls. Most games have advanced settings that let you alter how the game is controlled. Use these to your advantage. There is nothing that says you must play with the game's default settings. For example, if you have become accustomed to jumping with one button and attacking with another, and your new game uses the opposite - change it!

If you can't get past a particular level, turn off all noise, whether it is the in-game sounds or music that you have put on. This will help you to really focus on what is happening in front of you and you may have a better chance of progressing in the game.

If you decide to allow your preschooler to play a video game, always sit with them when they do it. Talk to them about what is happening in the game. By making the experience a social event, you can create special bonding time between you and your child while they are doing something they enjoy.

If you are a parent of a child who enjoys playing video games, be aware of multi-player and online gaming options. These features allow your child to interact with other players throughout the world. As nice as it is for your child to be able to interact with others, you have no idea who the person on the other end is.

While a game's rating may indicate that it is appropriate for a middle school aged child, the level of violence included may not sit well with you. If this happens, either put the game away or limit the amount of time that your child plays it. While you can't shield them from everything, you can control how much violence they see.

Take the plunge into the pre-owned video game market. Many gamers will purchase a game and finish the game quite quickly. Many stores allow these games to be traded in and then sell them at a reduced cost. This could be the most cost-effective way for you to get newer games without the high cost.

Read reviews online before getting a game, even if it's one that's prequels were great. A lot of the time new games aren't all that great and it's best to just wait and see what the critics have to say. There's no reason to buy something as soon as it comes out, unless you know it will be very hard to find in the future.

Do not neglect the secondary market for console video games when looking for titles. You can find good condition used games at a number of sources. Online, they are available through individual resellers and auction's sites, both as single titles and in collections. Offline, you can buy them used from game stores, video and music stores and at flea markets.

Before you allow your children to play a video game, ensure you know its rating. Some games contain violence or other adult themes so they carry an adult rating. It is not wise to let young children play video games such as these. It can make them have bad dreams and make their behavior disturbing.

Make sure that you know what video games your children are playing. Some video games are packed full of violent scenes that are designed to be viewed by mature adults only. You need to ensure that your children are not being exposed to excessive graphic violence while they are playing video games.

If you are a gamer, think of investing in a quality television which can give you a quality display of your gaming material. This is especially applicable to those who frequently play sports games, as you will want to get the most out of your graphics to maximize your overall game play.

If you're a parent of a child who plays video games, you need to monitor them. Look at things like how long they are playing and what type of games they are playing. You need to know exactly what they are doing when they switch on that console or computer.

Consider purchasing your gaming accessories and consoles from EBay. EBay is a wonderful marketplace that not only is convenient because you are purchasing online, but has a larger selection of the games that you desire. The prices on EBay are also exceptional, as there are a lot of people trying to rid their old games.

Enjoy your gaming more after having read this article Video games let us all live a life we couldn't otherwise, and this escape into fantasy is a necessary release. Continue your gaming passion!

Traffic-Generation Guide for Online Coaches

Generating traffic for your blog and website is something that you need to seriously consider when selling virtual coaching programs. You see, even if your information products are powerful and highly effective, you will not get the kind of sign ups that you're looking for if nobody pays you a visit.

Traffic generation is a relatively easy process however, it will require proper planning, time, effort, and commitment. Here's a guide that you can easily follow:

It's always a good idea to start the process by knowing the people that you would like to attract. Obviously, these are the individuals who are interested and who need your coaching programs. Determine their age bracket, the usual websites they visit, the time they usually get online, and the number of hours they surf the internet. Then, determine the elements that can make them pay attention. What are the things they consider before they visit a particular website? What search engines are they usually using? Do they usually click on PPC ads or are they the type who focus their attention on blogs and other online communities? Researching these people will take a lot of your time but this will definitely help you make your traffic-generation campaign more targeted thus, more effective.

Information distribution. A huge percentage of people who go online are looking for information. They want FAQs, how-to guides, insider tips, and trade secrets. This is the reason why I recommend that you distribute information to capture the attention of your potential clients. You can do this through article marketing and blogging. Start by doing keyword research to get the list of search terms and phrases that are constantly being used by your prospects when they're using Google. Create articles and blog posts related to these keywords to address your prospect's need for information. Ensure that your articles and blog posts reflect your in-depth knowledge in your niche. If your readers were impressed with your content, you can be assured that they'll click through your resource box and that will instantly mean traffic for your website.

Be active on online communities. A lot of internet marketers claim that online communities are now the greatest sources of web traffic. So, include them on your traffic-generation campaign. Visit the top 10 forums and blogs related to your coaching programs and join discussions. Remember, you don't want to pitch in your programs too soon. What you want to achieve here is to get people to know you and later on, to recognize you as an expert in your niche. Provide answers to questions and spill out trade secrets. Write your answers not only to educate your prospects but also to entertain them. You'll get more positive response if your answers are useful and fun. Write them using your great sense of humor.

PPC and banner ads. If you're willing to spend money to generate traffic for your website and blog, this is the best route to go. Create compelling ads for search engines and banner ads for websites that are popular to your target audience. People who click these ads will automatically be directed to either your landing page or website.

The practice of academic research has not changed much over the years. While the Internet and Web 2.0 tools have revolutionized both personal and business networking and created vast online communities, the same has not held true with the academic research community. Researchers still work primarily with colleagues in their local setting, despite the power of the Internet to create large networks of research collaborators. This is significant for individual academic researchers who are eager to increase their research funding and publications and for academic administrators who seek the same at the university level. This white paper describes the synergies created when researchers collaborate globally and examines the elements of potential Web 2.0 websites that can help to bring about these synergies. It then describes the features of online global collaborative research websites and the benefits they are bringing to a large and growing community of researchers and institutions.

In "What Ever Happened to the Faculty?", former AAUP General Secretary Mary Burgan noted that, "many of the market-driven reforms of higher education are driven by the perceived need for more money and by the desire to enhance a college's or university's reputation through national rankings". This takes the form of more grants and higher quality publications. In addition, funding agencies are moving away from the traditional decentralized, individual investigator model, to an inter-institutional, interdisciplinary one. If we examined the typical researcher's list of publications, you would find his/her collaborations to be largely local. In other words, most professors write articles and grant proposals with other researchers they already know. These include their colleagues and graduate students. Only in rare cases does the list of collaborators expand to include other researchers they may have encountered elsewhere.

Research has shown that knowledge advances most rapidly when researchers organize themselves into groups that span formal institutions but are united with common research goals. Many studies have shown that researchers who initiate collaborations outside their institutions publish more, and greater quality articles than their colleagues who do not. However, faculty productivity will become saturated when each critical function is provided by the researcher's local network i.e., "partnerships of proximity". What is required then is a research networking tool that enables researchers to find and collaborate with other researchers across the world, creating "partnerships of opportunity".

Online communities have become very popular in social and business networking. Millions of business and social relationships and opportunities have been created using such tools as Facebook and MySpace (social relationships), and LinkedIn (business networking). Given this track record, it is not hard to extrapolate that these Web 2.0 technologies could have a similar impact on research collaboration. Based on the prior business and social networks, what might a solution for research look like? What changes would be required in the mindset and practices of today's researchers? The new websites feature a large amount of user-generated content, in contrast with an earlier "read-only" websites where the user could not contribute to the site content, connect with other members of the website, or collaborate with other members. Emerging portals for academic researchers would likely include important elements from the realm of social networking. Effective tools would include searchable professional profiles and project management tools. Also useful would be communication tools such as forums, chat and internal messaging. Blogging is a natural addition to the research environment, where researchers can share their professional experiences and ideas. Business networking tools also contribute meaningfully to portals for research collaboration, through their approaches to contact management, referrals, and communication.

Realizing the pressures with which researchers must contend, a few research websites have been conceived by researchers for researchers. By deploying Internet technologies that enable researchers around the world to find each other, work on projects using specialist tools, collaborate on grant writing, and keep up with the latest news and discussions in their subject specializations. Researchers benefit from a central repository for their projects - documents that can be accessed from any location with an Internet connection. They can also acquire knowledge from expert articles and news feeds containing the most recent research developments in their fields. In addition, blogs and forums allow for the free exchange of research ideas between global researchers. Key features of such websites include specialized research tools for:

Journal and Author Citation Management
Survey Creation and Deployment
Research Methods Selection
Bibliography Creation
In conclusion, the area of academic research has begun to change dramatically and incorporate tools from the area of social and business networking. New portals that incorporate Web 2.0 tools are already enabling universities and individual researchers to produce gains in funded research and publications They bring the power of online networking, project management and their attendant benefits to academic research. The challenge for academic administrators is how to change the existing research culture and rapidly adopt these tools for the significant gains they can bring to university research output. An example of this new breed of tools can be found here.


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